Friday, May 10, 2019

A Reflection by Kristy Wheeler

The words from “How Great thou Art” keep resounding.  “I scarce can take it in.”  I knew we would see God in Wylie’s birth.  As we see Him, I stand in awe, amazed.  I haven’t found words yet to capture all we have seen, but my friend Kristy Wheeler did.  She and her husband, Matt, kept watch as I labored and as God broke into this world through Wylie’s life.  With her permission, I share her words:

So much LIFE.

Waiting room filled with friends with stories upon stories of LIFE lived together. People trickle in and out, hugging, holding hands, laughing, remembering when and awaiting Who.

Stories of births, of adoptions, and of brokenness in the world and its systems… oh, but the beauty of LIFE.

Friends trickle in and out.

The call goes out, the water has broken, the baby is coming. Family hustling in with concern etched on their faces. Feelings of intense urgency when there is nothing that can be done. 

Her heartbeat slows.
Where is the doctor?
Where is the Doctor?
Her heartbeat regains its rhythm. LIFE.


Creak of the double doors being released. A room fills with children with tousled hair, with sleepy eyes, with questions and wonder as they wait for their new sister, for their new cousin. LIFE.

More prayers. 

Finally she's here; 
The whole space is full of PRAYER, of JOY, of FULLNESS. The promise of eternity swirls among us and rests... here among these people... within the little one who has enthralled us all... LIFE.

1 comment:

  1. Kristy! Yes, this is it exactly. I had tears reading this. You've captured the day perfectly with your words.


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