Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Day

Recently, a very dear couple who has been involved with Simple Church since its inception, but meet with a different group of people, joined us for our Sunday gathering.   They have been reading a book about grace (God's unmerited favor).  The book clarifies the truth that God's attitude, His position toward people is one of favor, forgiveness, love.  This can make a Christian squirm.  I literally shifted in my seat as we talked.  Why?

Well, there is a Judgment coming.  What if people take that lightly?  There are important doctrinal beliefs to communicate.  What if people don't believe the right and true things about God?  Sin has grave consequences.  What if people don't know they need forgiveness?

This saddens my heart because I see the terrible potential.  There is a Judgment.  The Bible describes this event as a day--a day of wrath.  One day out of millions of them is reserved for the destruction of evil and evil-doers while hours upon hours pass brimming with grace.  Today is the day of salvation--all that we need for rescue is available, flowing from the throne of God.  The matter is one of personal receipt, acceptance, acknowledgment.  What a sorrow that this wonderful love is passed over because we condemn God for His righteous judgment and miss His amazing mercy!

In a similar way, Wylie's Trisomy-18 diagnosis carries a weight.  What if I lived every day as if she was already dead?  The one day reserved for her home-going fills all the others meant for the grace of life together?  What a tragedy that would be.

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